CATSS Re-Opening Event Schedule
Coffman Mississippi room, Friday October 1, 2021
Boxed lunches are available at noon, for those who requested them at registration.
Eating/drinking in the main room will end at 1 pm.
We ask all to be vaccinated before attending and to remain masked in the meeting room.
Peggy Nelson: Introductions and welcome at 1:00, followed by short talks and discussion
1:10 PM SONIC lab: Sensory Optimization and Neural Coding Lab
1:40PM Auditory Perception and Cognition Lab
2:10 PM Minnesota Laboratory for Low Vision Research
2:40 PM break
2:50 PM Engel Vision & Imaging Laboratory
3:20 PM Human Sensorimotor Control Laboratory
3:50 PM Listen Lab for Speech Communication and Hearing Loss
4:15 PM wrap up
Adjourn for Happy Hour outdoors at the Campus Club, for those who wish to stay.